Dec 08, 2018 Flutter

Flutter: Add/Change Launcher App Icon, Share Button, Play Store Review

How to change Launcher app icon in FlutterPin

In this article, we will see How to change the launcher app icon in Flutter. Let's start it.

  • For creating the Launcher icon use Android Asset Studio for editing.
  • Tap Launcher icon generator.
  • Some default icons will be there if you want you can use them.
  • By using the Image tap you can insert an image. Text tap is used to insert a text.
  • Use the Padding option to reduce and increase its size.
  • Tap download to save the launcher icon then it will save in Zip format.
  • Open Zip file > res.
  • Select the mipmap files and copy them.
mipmap filesPin
  • And then save it in another folder then again select the mipmap and Cut it.
  • Now move to your program and then.
  • Tap Android > app > src > main > res > paste the mipmap files.
paste the mipmap filesPin
  • Open androidmainfest.xml  file.
 androidmainfest.xml filePin
  • Set your app name in android:label.
  • In android:icon enter your filename which you saved in Android Asset Studio
change the launcher app icon in FlutterPin

Create Share Button in Flutter

Create Share button in FlutterPin

Flutter plugin to Sharing Text, Link, content, etc from Flutter App through the platform's share dialog. To Add ACTION_SEND for Android and UIActivityViewController for iOS.

Install the package

After creating a new flutter document move to pubspec.yaml file

Find Dependencies and then add the package name.


share : ^0.5.3

Note: you should add under cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2

Install the packagePin

Tap Package gets at right corner.

Note: It is only available for Android.

Import the Package

Import the package under the basic package

import 'package:share/share.dart';

How to Add a Text Field

new TextField(
                  decoration: const InputDecoration(
                    labelText: 'Share:',
                    hintText: 'Enter your Text',

maxLines: 2,
                  onChanged: (String value) => setState(() {
                    text = value;
How to Add a Text FieldPin

How to Set the Share Page

const Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 24.0)),
                new Builder(
                  builder: (BuildContext context) {
                    return new RaisedButton(
                      child: const Text('Share'),
                      onPressed: text.isEmpty
                          ? null
                          : () {
                        final RenderBox box = context.findRenderObject();
                            box.localToGlobal( &
How to Set the Share PagePin

Note: If you get the “timeout waiting for the application to start error in flutter move to pubspec.yaml> Packages upgrade.

Add Play Store Review option in Flutter

Add Play store Review option in FlutterPin

Developing an app is a somewhat costly process and also needs huge skills, time, and effort to attain a good and complete mobile app. Launch review is actually used to rate the app how do you feel about it.

Install the package

After creating a new flutter document move to pubspec.yaml file

Find Dependencies and then add the package name.

Note: you should add under cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2


Launch_review: ^1.0.1
Install the packagePin

Tap Package get at right corner.

Import the package

Import the package under basic package

import ‘package:launch_review/launch_review.dart’;

Id’s for opening app store page

  • AndroidAppId: “com.iyaffle.rangoli”
  • iOSAppId: “585027354”

Create initstate

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
 initState() {

Launch Review

For button

body: new Center(
child: new RaisedButton(
child: new Text("Rate App"),
onPressed: () {
androidAppId: "com.iyaffle.rangoli",
iOSAppId: "585027354");
), //Center
), //RaisedButton
Launch Review for buttonPin

For icon

body: new Center(
child: new IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.rate_review, size: 60.0),
onPressed: () {
androidAppId: "com.iyaffle.rangoli",
iOSAppId: "585027354");
), //Center
Launch Review for iconPin

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