May 12, 2023 Python

AI Programming for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide to Starting Your AI Journey

Are you interested in artificial intelligence but don't know where to start? Then this article will definitely help you get started with AI programming. I'm a simple person, just like you, who's learning coding every day. But when I try…

Apr 01, 2023 Python

How to Deploy Python Flask Application in Shared Hosting cPanel

If you want to run your python application on shared hosting (like Name cheap shared hosting), this tutorial will definitely going to help you a lot. I am a Python programmer. Recently I learned to make Flask applications. It works…

Apr 07, 2023 Python

How to Obfuscate HTML Classes in HTML, CSS, JavaScript Files via Python

Nowadays it's hard to keep your website design code safe. When you launch a website, everyone can able to see its browser-rendered version of HTML, CSS, and Javascript files. So they can able to copy your website design quickly. This…

Jan 23, 2023 Python

How to Use API Data in Flask Application (Display API Content in Jinja Template)

If you want to display content from 3rd part API services or from headless CMS like Strapi, this tutorial definitely going to help you. json.loads - It takes a string as input and returns a dictionary as output. json.dumps -…

Jan 31, 2023 Python

Python Web Scraping with Selenium (Tutorial for Beginners)

If you want to scrape content from some websites using Python, this tutorial will definitely go to help you a lot. A few months back, I decided to scrape some site content. I did a lot of research, but I…

Jan 20, 2023 Python

Flask Tutorial for Beginners (How to use Flask to Create Web Apps)

Create and use requirements.txt file to install flask modules used in that project How to create a requirements.txt file? Open Terminal and type the following command. pip freeze you will get something like this async-generator==1.10 attrs==22.2.0 beautifulsoup4==4.11.2 blis==0.7.9 catalogue==2.0.8 certifi==2022.12.7…

Jan 17, 2023 Python

Flask-SQLAlchemy: DB Connection & Create table in MySQL

If you don't know how to use SQLalchemy with your Flask application, this tutorial will definitely gonna help you. In this tutorial, I going to show you how to create a simple database in MySQL and add a new table…

Apr 03, 2022 Python

Python for Beginners (Setup Python, Run first program)

Is Python easy to learn for beginners?Python is an easy-to-learn programming language compared to all other programming languages. Nowadays 3rd standard school classes teach Python to their students. If you want to learn basic Python programming, this tutorial will definitely…

May 17, 2022 Python

How to Run Python Programs in VS Code + Tips & Tricks

If you want to use Visual Studio code to create and run Python programs, this tutorial will definitely help you a lot. The default Python IDLE app is a complicated one for beginners. But don't worry. There are a lot…