Sep 11, 2023 Web Hosting

How to Simply Move a Big WordPress Blog to New Hosting

I have been running a blog for more than 10 years. Recently, I bought a new VPS server from Vultr. So I have to move my blog from shared hosting to VPS hosting. 3 to 4 years before I moved…

Sep 03, 2023 Web Hosting

Stay Away from These Worst VPS Hosting Companies

Internet provides a lot of good things. But it's also contains a lot of scammers, bad people, and worst services. Most of the people really get confused when they try to purchase their first web hosting plan or changing the…

Oct 19, 2020 Web Hosting

How to Create Free Email with Own Domain using Zoho

Tutorial to learn how to make a free custom email address for your own domain. In this tutorial, I am using Godaddy ( Domain registration provider) and Zoho ( Ad-Free email service). So how to get a custom email domain…

Oct 19, 2020 Web Hosting

Top 20 Domain Name Suggestion Tools

20 Best Domain suggestion tools to find good and SEO-friendly domain names. Lean Domain Search – Find your domain name with various name suggestions. Dot-o-mator – Best domain name suggestion tool. Domainr – Find short (or) long domain names. Bust a Name – Find your domain…

Aug 26, 2019 WordPress

Change/Reset WordPress Password From phpMyAdmin & MySQL

  If you are unable to reset/change your WordPress login password, follow the easy step to reset password in your database using phpMyAdmin and MySQL from cPanel. How to Reset WordPress Password from PHPMyAdmin and MySQL? Normally, If you forgot…

Sep 08, 2023 Web Hosting

Install CloudPanel on Vultr VPS Hosting – How to Guide

When you switch your website/blog from shared hosting to VPS hosting, you will definitely face a lot of issues. Most of the users do not know which VPS hosting they have to choose. Because there are lots and lots of…

Jan 20, 2023 Web Design

Namecheap Shared Hosting – cPanel Problems & Solutions – HostGator

These are the problems I am faced when I use Namecheap, Hostgator & Bluehost shared hosting. Don't think it's a small list. I did not write down lots and lots of problems I previously faced. Because I forgot most of…

Sep 14, 2023 Web Hosting

CloudPanel: How to Install WordPress in a Subdirectory (Easy Way)

Do you want to install a WordPress blog in the website subdirectory on CloudPanel? Companies, online services, freelancers, and resume CV websites install their blogs in subdirectories like It helps them to display the main interactive HTML web pages…

Oct 14, 2023 Web Hosting

Synology NAS Tutorial for Beginners (The Easy Way)

When I purchased my new Synology NAS DiskStation, I had no idea how to use it to improve my current work productivity. That time, I could not find a good Synology NAS tutorial for beginners. So I did not use…