Sep 20, 2019 SEO

Latest SEO Techniques (Practices)


If your website lost its traffic and you don't know how to bring back the traffic again?

  1. First, find the top articles that bring Search Engine Traffic to your blog via Google Search Console -> Performance -> Pages Tab
  2. Then update all that article with high-quality useful content, unique images, and attractive featured images.
  3. Submit those articles URL in  Google Search Console -> URL Inspection -> Request Indexing.
  4. 20 days later, update the same article content and submit the same URL in the Google Search Console. Totally do this same trick 3 times. Your popular article traffic gets increased after you used this method.
  5. Also check all broken links, and images on your blog and replace them all with a good one.

SEO for Beginners

Understanding SEO techniques will help you to improve your search rankings. It helps to rank higher your site in the search engine result for relevant keywords. Here are the latest SEO techniques to improve your website or webpage rankings in search engines.

What is an SEO technique?

  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization.
  • It is a process to increase the quality of the webpage and the quantity of the website's traffic.
  • It also helps to increase the visibility of a website or webpages to the users from the search engines.

Why do we need SEO techniques?

  • SEO offers a long-lasting result and gives a new opportunity to your business.
  • It helps to get more customers and traffic to your website.
  • Actually, SEO has been distinct into two branches, they are On-page and Off-page SEO.
  • On-page- This refers to the Quality of the content, Page performance, and Structure of the content within your website.
  • Off-page – refers to Page ranking factors like Backlinks, Promotion methods, and getting into social media.

Important SEO techniques that you need to know:

1. Understand your user's needs

  • Focus on what your users want? collect your user's opinions, and ideas then you should create the content to attract them.

2. Focus on Title & Description

  • Give a short and Unique title to the content using relevant keywords.
  • Add a short description (relevant to the keywords) that appears below to your Page URL on search engine results (try to keep the description below 300 characters).

3. Optimize Voice Search

  • For Voice searches, your content needs to be tailored for speech.
  • This may increase your ranking at the top of searchers. It needs a longer keyword.

4. Keyword Stuffing

  • Use the keywords that should satisfy both users and search engines.
  • Find long-tail keywords in Google search and write your blog content based on that keyword.
  • Researched and optimized keywords help your users to find the most appropriate content on your website.

5. URL Structure

  • URL is much important for both SEO and user experience.
  • You should include the most important keyword in the URL. This URL helps you to increase your site rank on a search engine.

6. Give Blog post page format properly

  • Use Heading and Subheadings in your content.
  • Use 2-3 sentences per paragraph and also include bold, or italicized for important points in your content.
  • Make content easy for users to read.
  • Check your post image has a keyword in the ALT tag.

7. Internal link

  • Check your internal linking structure, and whether the page linking is useful to both users and search engines. This internal link is used to improve the page rank of your site.

8. Backlinks

  • The backlinks are on one website which can be clickable and the users are taken to another website.
  • These Backlinks are in the form of text or images if the link is in the image then the anchor link text is at the alt tag of the image. if the anchor link text is the text then it is used to create a clickable part of a backlink.

9. Broken Links 

  • A broken link is also known as a dead link.
  • These dead links on your website can stop the search engine spider to crawl your site and indexing it.
  • If you click on the broken/dead link, it may be directed to the 404 error page. So, if you want to rank well your site then fix those excess broken links from your web pages.

10. Infographics

  • Peoples always like a visual guide to understanding the message easily and quickly.
  • An effective infographic can create a huge amount of website traffic and gets a higher rank in search engine.
  • So, infographics are more important to deliver the information or describe/ summarize complex content easily.

11. Page loading speed

  • Page performance refers to the time of visitors have to wait until your page is completed loaded.
  • This Page loading time impacts your website ranking and it's important to user experience.
  • So, Make sure to increase your page loading speed by Enabling file compression, reducing page redirects to another page, using a content distribution network, make sure that your images are no larger this may increase your site speed.

12. Keep Updating Old Content/ Post

Pages that are in google's index have a high ranking power.

Updating old blog posts is important, that can get a sudden ranking boost in search engines. this can also take less time to work and delivers quick results.

13. Post your Content on Social Media

  • It is difficult to get a ranking in search engine results.
  • So promoting your content on social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc., can help you to boost your search engine ranking.

Focusing on SEO techniques may increase your site traffic and page ranking. SEO success is based on creating or giving useful and clear content to your users/visitors/audience.

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