Best Software, Online Tools I am Using Right Now

products used by Arun Vasudev

Finding the right and trustworthy tools is a difficult task. As a web developer, blogger, and Video creator I am using lots and lot of tools. I only use some tools occasionally.  In this article, I list the tools & Apps I am currently using & previously used and I feel it's good to mention them here.

Basic Tasks

  • To remember my routine work, monthly expenses, EMIs, credit card bill date, advance tax paying dates and domain/hosting renewals, I am using a free desktop app called Desktop Reminder 2.
  • To save my browser passwords, I prefer the Bitwarden Chrome extension. (previously I am using LastPass password manager and later I realized it have some major security issues).

Images, Videos, and PDF Editing Tools

Image editing and book design arun vasudev
  • To create & edit images, I am using image editing software like Snagit & Photoshop. Mostly I capture screenshots using (Windows +Shift+ S) shortcut key. As a blogger, I hate to use Photoshop for Image editing work. Because I mostly resize, rename, crop, and convert the images I found online. So I create my own online tools using HTML, CSS, and Javascript Also, Photoshop slows down the system when I edit Images.
  • To create Blog post images and YouTube thumbnails, I am using Canva (an online tool).

To create & Edit eBooks and PDF Files

  • Master PDF Editor 5– Best to edit, and delete unwanted images and pages. Its installation size is small (50 MB) compared to the Foxit PDF editor (It requires 1 to 3GB disk space when you try to install that software). I am not using much this software. But I think it's good.
  • Indesign – It's the best option to create PDF files and ebooks. If you are using it for the first time, you have to learn a lot to create ebooks.  Also when the page gets heavy, it will slow down your system. So you have to learn the ways to solve these problems.
  • To scan my long old books, I am using the CZUR ET book scanner along with their software.

For Video Creation

  • I prefer After Effects with some good plugins and automation scripts (created by me), and Premiere Pro. I spend too much time finding and using AE keyboard shortcuts & tricks to create interesting animated YouTube videos. I think it's worth it. I also learned so many Premiere Pro shortcut keys and methods to edit videos in a very fast and easy way. Recently I am using Davinci Resolve to test its AI's best text-to-video edit feature and I think it's one of the best replacements for Premiere Pro.
  • For computer screen recording, I am using Movavi Screen Recorder(a fast and easy way to record computer screens). Previously I used Camtasia Screen Recorder. But when it records the screen, it saves screen recording project files in big size and its render speed is slow.

English Learning Courses

english learning arunvasudev

English for Everyone – Business English Level 1, Level 2 – I am using this book to practice Office-based English conversations. Actually, in my work & business carrier, I am not worked proper office environment. I am not used to or practiced English with someone. So I see this as my biggest flaw. But this book actually thought me a good understanding about office conversations.

English Club TV City Grammar – If you want to understand words very well and you want to write blog posts, email replies, and social media posts like LinkedIn posts, you have to learn grammar. But the usual method to learn grammar is really boring. You can't spend too many hours learning and remembering grammar rules. So this video series is the best one to learn grammar using London street activities.

Real Life English – Fluent with Friends – If you want to conversational English via sitcom, this is one of the best options. They will show “Friends” sitcom clips and explain to you the meaning of particular slag and how to pronounce words.

Shayna Oliveira – Slang & Informal English – I think all Shayna Oliveira books are awesome to learn real English conversations. You can learn lots and lots of words on a single page with their unique method to explain those words with meaning (just read this sample book).

To create a Website design and Web apps

webdesign app development arun-vasudev

Currently, I am using Tailwind CSS with VS code setup to design my personal websites and web apps frontend. After that, I launched that site as a static website. If I want to create a dynamic web app with CRUD functionality, I am using Python Flask and launching that app in shared hosting. Because nowadays people mostly avoid PHP and compare Python with PHP, I feel Python is a very easy-to-use language for me.

Previously I try to create mobile apps with Flutter and then later I realized creating mobile apps is not a suitable & profitable professional for me. Because you can't make money from mobile apps (Admob revenue is very very low) unless you provide some premium services. My programmer friend's team created some mobile apps for me using React Native, and Flutter (If we want API content they use Laravel to create headless CMS and CodeIgniter to create small web apps).

In my opinion, creating apps using developers or providing that work to a software company is a very expensive task. Because it takes a lot of time (maybe a few months or a year) to finish the app and the programmer cost is very very high. Also, most companies and people only knew basic and intermediate-level programming. Mostly they do not have the experience to develop the app you want. Most of the companies are startups. Also, you don't know whether the apps or going to succeed or not. So I think, you should have to learn the programming basics and understand have many days and complex work it takes to create the app you want.

For Icon to Vector Conversion

Vector Magic – If you want to convert any Icon to a drawing format like SVG or increase its size, and quality, or remove copyright patterns in premium icons, this is the best choice. I prefer the Desktop version (because of its simplicity and to remove background in the image). But you can use the online version for free.


Mainly, I am using WordPress CMS to create blogs. When I create a small one, I am using free WordPress themes. But to run a professional blog like, I purchase themes from Themeforest.

WordPress Plugins (I am using right now)

To Avoid the latest WordPress design and functionality changes

  • I hate to use block-based(“Gutenberg”) content writing. So I am using the Classic Editor plugin to get a classic WordPress editor.
  • I am using Rel Nofollow Checkbox, to add the rel = “Nofollow” option when I try to insert links in blog posts (mostly I am using this for paid review links and affiliate links.

For Hosting Management

To host my websites, blogs, and apps, I am using Namecheap Shared Hosting (If you spend too much money on hosting packages like VPS or dedicated hosting you will lose most of your money. So first choose the packages like shared hosting to host unlimited websites and apps and when your app gets bigger and needs speed choose a different package plan)

To Manage Static site files from System to Cpanel

Allway Sync – To Sync files between PC to the Web server. You can track the file changes and decide whether you are going the upload or sync the file or not.